In today’s world, data is everywhere—and often, it’s overwhelming. Datasets can have hundreds or even thousands of features, many of…
This article will teach you how to develop and deploy a Minecraft plugin for a Paper server, using the Bukkit…
This article will explain how to create four dimensional objects, in a format compatible with the Unity4D extension. You can…
This article will explain how to render 4D objects in Unity, using three separate technique: orthographic projection, perspective projection and…
This article will show how to extend Unity to support four-dimensional geometry. This is the second article in a series…
This is the first part of a series of articles dedicated to extending Unity from 3D to 4D. In this…
This is a companion article to the documentary about the world generation of Minecraft, which you can see below. This…
This tutorial will teach you how to master inverse kinematics in 3D: the technique that solves the problem of moving…
Let’s start with something trivial: sorting numbers. Regardless of the algorithm you’ll use, real numbers are naturally ordered. Mathematically speaking, they have a total order, in…
This tutorial will teach you how to recreate a very popular effect in games: topographical maps. This is a two-part…
This is the first part of the online series inspired by the sand rendering of Journey. Join me in this…
This article will show how to extend Unity to support four-dimensional geometry. This is the second article in a series…
This tutorial shows how to make the most out of coroutines in Unity.
If there’s a term which is often misunderstood, that’s for sure hacking. When it refers to softwares, it usually gets a negative connotation which…
If you are familiar with programming, you might have heard of a specific paradigm called functional programming. Most modern languages, such…
If you’re a game developer chances are you’re familiar with the need to describe different variations of an attribute. Whether it’s…
This is the second part of the series dedicated to one of the most popular sensor de-noising technique: Kalman filters.…
Many modern games feature hanging wires, cables and chains; this series of tutorials will explore the mathematics behind their shape,…
This online course introduces the topic of modelling and simulating epidemics. If you are interested in understanding how Mathematicians, Programmers…
You can read the rest of this online course here: A follow-up that focuses on 3D is also available:
This post continues our journey in the depth of Inverse Kinematics. In this tutorial you will learn how to apply…
After a long journey about the Mathematics of Forward Kinematics and the geometrical details of gradient descent, we are ready to finally show…
In this tutorial you will learn how Unity and Arduino can communicate using the serial port. This tutorial requires both C#…
Many game developers are suspicious about alternative controllers, believing that since they can’t be easily mass produced, they are useless. Well, this…
Many game developers are easily scared by electronics. Even if Arduino has shifted most of the workload on its software side, there are…
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