You can read the rest of this online course here:
A follow-up that focuses on 3D is also available:
- Part 3. Inverse Kinematics in 3D
In the previous part of this series, we have discussed the problem of inverse kinematics for a robotic arm with two degrees of freedom; like the one in the diagram below.

In such a scenario, the length of the robotic arms, and
, is typically known. If the point we have to reach is
, then the configuration becomes a triangle in which all sides are known.

We have then derived the equations for the angles and
, which controls the rotation of the robotic arms’ joints:
At a first glance, they might look rather intimidating; their geometrical interpretation, on the other hand, should be farily intuitive looking at the diagram above.
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Creating the Robotic Arm
The first step to implement this solution is to create a robotic arm. The concept of “joints” is not something that Unity comes with. However, the parenting system offered by the engine can be exploited to create a hierarchy of components that will behave exactly like a robotic arm.
The idea is to use a GameObject
for each joint, so that rotating its transform will cause the arm attached to it to rotate as well. Parenting the second joint to the first joint will cause them to rotate like seen in the first diagram.
The resulting hierarchy becomes:
- Root
- Joint A
- Bone A
- Joint B
- Bone B
- Hand
- Joint A
We can then add a script to the root object called SimpleIK
, which will take care of rotating the joints to reach the desired target.
using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; namespace AlanZucconi.IK { public class SimpleIK : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Joints")] public Transform Joint0; public Transform Joint1; public Transform Hand; [Header("Target")] public Transform Target; ... } }
The equations derived in the previous part of this tutorial require knowing the length of the first two bones (called and
, respectively). Since the length of the bones is not supposed to change, it can be calculated in the
function. This, however, requires the arm to be in a good configuration when the game starts.
private length0; private length1; void Start () { length0 = Vector2.Distance(Joint0.position, Joint1.position); length1 = Vector2.Distance(Joint1.position, Hand.position ); }
Rotating the Joints
Before showing the final version of the code, let’s start with a simplified one. If we translate equations (1) and (2) directly to code, we end up with something like this:
void Update () { // Distance from Joint0 to Target float length2 = Vector2.Distance(Joint0.position, Target.position); // Inner angle alpha float cosAngle0 = ((length2 * length2) + (length0 * length0) - (length1 * length1)) / (2 * length2 * length0); float angle0 = Mathf.Acos(cosAngle0) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // Inner angle beta float cosAngle1 = ((length1 * length1) + (length0 * length0) - (length2 * length2)) / (2 * length1 * length0); float angle1 = Mathf.Acos(cosAngle1) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // Angle from Joint0 and Target Vector2 diff = Target.position - Joint0.position; float atan = Mathf.Atan2(diff.y, diff.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // So they work in Unity reference frame float jointAngle0 = atan - angle0; // Angle A float jointAngle1 = 180f - angle1; // Angle B ... }
The mathematical functions and
are called
and Mathf.Atan2
in Unity. Also, the final angles are converted to degrees using Mathf.Rad2Deg
, since the Transform
component accepts degrees, instead of radians.
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Aiming to Unreachable Targets
While the code above seems to work, there is a condition in which it fails. What happens if the target is unreachable? The current implementation does not take that into account, resulting in undesirable behaviours.
A common solution is to fully stretch the arm in the direction of the target. Such a behaviour is consistent with the reaching movement that we are trying to simulate.
The code below detects if the target is out of reach by checking if the distance from the root is greater than that the total length of the arm.
void Update () { float jointAngle0; float jointAngle1; float length2 = Vector2.Distance(Joint0.position, Target.position); // Angle from Joint0 and Target Vector2 diff = Target.position - Joint0.position; float atan = Mathf.Atan2(diff.y, diff.x) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // Is the target reachable? // If not, we stretch as far as possible if (length0 + length1 < length2) { jointAngle0 = atan; jointAngle1 = 0f; } else { float cosAngle0 = ((length2 * length2) + (length0 * length0) - (length1 * length1)) / (2 * length2 * length0); float angle0 = Mathf.Acos(cosAngle0) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; float cosAngle1 = ((length1 * length1) + (length0 * length0) - (length2 * length2)) / (2 * length1 * length0); float angle1 = Mathf.Acos(cosAngle1) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; // So they work in Unity reference frame jointAngle0 = atan - angle0; jointAngle1 = 180f - angle1; } ... }
Rotating the Joints
What’s left now is to rotate the joints. This can be done accessing the localEulerAngles
property of the joints’ Transform
component. Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the z
angle directly, so the vector needs to be copied, edited and replaced.
Vector3 Euler0 = Joint0.transform.localEulerAngles; Euler0.z = jointAngle0; Joint0.transform.localEulerAngles = Euler0; Vector3 Euler1 = Joint1.transform.localEulerAngles; Euler1.z = jointAngle1; Joint1.transform.localEulerAngles = Euler1;
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This post concludes the course on Inverse Kinematics for 2D robotics arms.
You can read the rest of this online course here:
A follow-up that focuses on 3D is also available:
- Part 3. Inverse Kinematics in 3D
The line art animals that have been featured in this tutorials have been inspired by the work of WithOneLine.
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