Tag: games

  • Censorship in Games: Violence, Sex and Fig Leaves

    Censorship in Games: Violence, Sex and Fig Leaves

    Violence From Pong to GTA V, it is undeniable that games have undergone a massive evolution in the past fifty years. While books and movies have offered a passive entertainment, games are the first really interactive media in history. And since we are the first generation which is experiencing it, it’s only natural that we question its power. This post offers…

  • Understanding the Gaussian distribution

    Understanding the Gaussian distribution

    Randomness is so present in our reality that we are used to taking it for granted. Most of the phenomena which surround us have been generated by random processes. Hence, our brain is very good at recognising these random patterns. And it is even better at spotting phenomena that should be random but they actually aren’t. And this…

  • Console debugging in Unity made easy

    Console debugging in Unity made easy

    One of the most interesting feature of Unity is the ability to extend its editor and standard components. This has allowed developers all around the world to create amazing extensions which dramatically improve Unity’s usability. And, in some cases, compensate for its shortages. A very intriguing feature which is not-so-well known is the ability to customise the messages in…

  • The most anticipated exploration games

    Dream | HyperSloth Games | website | steam The first time I played Dream was at the BAFTA Inside Games 2014, where I also had the chance to try Monument Valley. After more than one year, Dream has finally been released and it has really exceed my expectations. Made by a very small team, it has…

  • The most anticipated abstract games

    I can safely say that the undoing of many indies has been compromising on their games in order to make them more commercially appealing. Attempting to standardise games has created a wave of products which cannot compete with the bigger titles, and lack of innovation. Cloning Flappy Bird and Crossy Road can only take you so far. Luckily enough,…

  • “0RBITALIS” – DevLog #3 // #LondonIndies

    The final release of 0RBITALIS is a few weeks away, so I decided to bring it to London Indies, one of the most relaxed game meetups in London. Despite being a Bank Holiday, I still managed to introduce the game to quite a few new players. The Puzzle Master Alan Hazelden Greg Kythreotis playing for the first time

  • The 3 most anticipated games: #pixelart

    It’s not a mystery that I’m attending every game event I can find. Unfortunately, not all the developers are so lucky. Some of the best looking games I’ve seen so far have never been presented to a game event yet. And this is the main reason why I hope, with this series of posts, to help some games reaching…