Tag: 2d
Inverse Kinematics in 3D
This tutorial will teach you how to master inverse kinematics in 3D: the technique that solves the problem of moving a robotic arm to reach for a specific target. You can read the rest of this online course here: A link to download the entire Unity package can be found at the end of this…
Inverse Kinematics in 2D – Part 2
You can read the rest of this online course here: A follow-up that focuses on 3D is also available:
Inverse Kinematics in 2D – Part 1
If you have been following this blog for a while, you might have noticed some recurring themes. Inverse Kinematics is definitely one them, and I have dedicated an entire series on how to apply it to robotic arms and tentacles. If you have not read them, do not fear: this new series will be self-contained,…
The Transformation Matrix for 2D Games
in MathsThis tutorial will introduce the Transformation Matrix, one of the standard technique to translate, rotate and scale 2D graphics. The first part of this series, A Gentle Primer on 2D Rotations, explaines some of the Maths that is be used here.
A Gentle Primer on 2D Rotations
in MathsThis tutorial will introduce rotations, translations and other affine transformations. This knowledge is essential not just for 2D games, but also to understand Quaternions and transformations in 3D games. This first post of the series is a gentle primer on 2D rotations.