Tag: surface
Volumetric Rendering: Surface Shading
This third instalment on Volumetric Rendering will explain how to shade volumes in a realistic fashion. This essential step is what gives three-dimensionality to the flat, unlit shapes that have been generated so far with raymarching. You can find here all the other posts in this series: The full Unity package is available at the end of this article. 📦
Vertex and fragment shaders in Unity3D
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, [download the Unity3D package] The previous three posts of this tutorial have introduced surface shaders and how they can be used to specify physical properties (such as albedo, gloss and specular reflections) of the materials we want to model. The other type of shader available in Unity3D…
Surface shaders in Unity3D
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 This is the second part of a series of posts on Unity3D shaders, and it will focus on surface shaders. As previously mentioned, shaders are special programs written in a language called Cg / HLSL which is executed by GPUs. They are used to draw triangles of your 3D…
A gentle introduction to shaders in Unity3D
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 We can safely say that Unity3D has made game development easier for a lot of people. Something where it still has a long way to go is, with no doubt, shader coding. Often surrounded by mystery, a shader is a program specifically made to run on a GPU.…