Tag: catenary

  • Gamedev Pronunciation Guide

    Gamedev Pronunciation Guide

    Introduction If you are working in the field of Computer Science, chances are you might have encountered quite a lot of technical terms and foreign names, such as Dijkstra and Nyquist. And chances are that you have learnt a good part of them solely from books. And there is nothing more embarrassing than being in…

  • Implementing Catenaries for Games

    Implementing Catenaries for Games

    This is the second part of the series dedicated to the catenary, the mathematical object used to model hanging wires, cables and chains. This post will show how to implement catenaries in a game engine like Unity. You can find the Unity package to create catenaries in Unity at the end of the post.

  • The Mathematics of Catenary

    The Mathematics of Catenary

    Many modern games feature hanging wires, cables and chains; this series of tutorials will explore the mathematics behind their shape, which is known as catenary. You can find the Unity package to create catenaries in Unity at the end of the post.