A Gentle Introduction To Shaders
- Part 1. A Gentle Introduction to Shaders
- Part 2. Surface Shaders
- Part 3. Physically Based Rendering and Lighting Models
- Part 4. Vertex and Fragment Shader
- Part 5. Screen Shaders and Postprocessing Effects
Shaders in Games
- LCD Display Shader Effect (Slime Rancher)
- Part 1. 3D Printer Shader Effect (Planetary Annihilation, Astroneer)
- Part 2. 3D Printer Shader Effect (Planetary Annihilation, Astroneer)
- Impossible Geometry: Non-Euclidean Cubes (from Impossible Geometry) (Antichamber)
Advanced Shading Techniques
- Patreon Fur shading in Unity3D
- Part 1. Arrays & Shaders: Heatmaps in Unity3D (old)
- Part 2. Arrays & Shaders in Unity 5.4+ (revision)
- To Voronoi and Beyond
- Tentacle Suckers Shader
- Sprite Doodle Shader Effect
- Believable Caustics Reflections
Journey Sand Shader
- Part 1. A Journey Into Journey’s Sand Shader
- Part 2. Journey Sand Shader: Diffuse Colour
- Part 3. Journey Sand Shader: Sand Normal
- Part 4. Journey Sand Shader: Specular Reflection
- Part 5. Journey Sand Shader: Glitter Reflection
- Part 6. Journey Sand Shader: Sand Ripples
Volumetric Rendering
- Part 1. Volumetric Rendering [🇨🇳]
- Part 2. Volumetric Rendering: Raymarching [🇨🇳]
- Part 3. Volumetric Rendering: Surface Shading [🇨🇳]
- Part 4. Volumetric Rendering: Signed Distance Functions [🇨🇳]
- Part 5. Patreon Volumetric Rendering: Ambient Occlusion
🚧 - Part 6. Patreon Volumetric Rendering: Hard & Soft Shadows 🚧
- Part 7. Patreon Volumetric Rendering: Volume Raycasting 🚧
Shaders for Simulations
- Part 1. How to Use Shaders for Simulations
- Part 2. How to Simulate Smoke with Shaders
- Part 3. How to Simulate Cellular Automata with Shaders
- Part 4. How to Simulate Water with Shaders 🚧
Impossible Geometry
- Part 1. Impossible Geometry: Non-Euclidean Cubes
- Part 2. The Portal Effect 🚧
- Part 3. The Physics of Monument Valley 🚧
Iridescence in Unity
- Part 1. The Nature of Light
- Part 2. Improving the Rainbow (Part 1)
- Part 3. Improving the Rainbow (Part 2)
- Part 4. Understanding Diffraction Grating
- Part 5. The Mathematics of Diffraction Grating
- Part 6. CD-ROM Shader: Diffraction Grating (Part 1)
- Part 7. CD-ROM Shader: Diffraction Grating (Part 2)
- Part 8. Iridescence on Mobile
- Part 9. The Mathematics of Thin-Film Interference 🚧
- Part 10. Spilt Oil Shader: Thin-Film Interference 🚧
Fast Subsurface Scattering in Unity
- Part 1. Fast Subsurface Scattering 🚧
- Part 2. Fast Subsurface Scattering 🚧
Volumetric Atmospheric Scattering
- Part 1. Volumetric Atmospheric Scattering
- Part 2. The Theory Behind Atmospheric Scattering
- Part 3. Patreon The Mathematics of Rayleigh Scattering
- Part 4. Patreon A Journey Through the Atmosphere
- Part 5. Patreon A Shader for the Atmospheric Sphere
- Part 6. Patreon Intersecting The Atmosphere
- Part 7. Patreon Atmospheric Scattering Shader
- Part 8. Patreon An Introduction to Mie Theory
- Addendum: Patreon Atmospheric Scattering Cheatsheet 🚧
GPU Sorting
- Part 1. GPU Sorting
- Part 2. GPU Sorting
Parallax Shaders
- Part 1. Inside Facebook 3D Photos
- Part 2. Parallax Shaders & Depth Maps
Interactive Map Shader
- Part 1. Interactive Map Shader: Vertex Displacement
- Part 2. Interactive Map Shader: Scrolling Effect
- Part 3. Interactive Map Shader: Terrain Shading
Shader Showcase Saturday
- Shader Showcase Saturday #1 (Volumetric Crystals)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #2 (Waterfalls)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #3 (Interactive Grass)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #4 (Fire with Shaders)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #5 (Dripping Rain)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #6 (Dynamic Snow)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #7 (Billboard Impostors)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #8 (Subsurface Scattering)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #9 (Interior Mapping)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #10 (Fortnite Procedural Animations)
- Shader Showcase Saturday #11 (Dithering Effect)
Unity & Game Development
Procedural Animations & Inverse Kinematics
- Part 1. An Introduction to Procedural Animations
- Part 2. The Mathematics of Forward Kinematics
- Part 3. Implementing Forward Kinematics
- Part 4. An Introduction to Gradient Descent
- Part 5. Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Arms
- Part 6. Inverse Kinematics for Tentacles
- Part 7. Inverse Kinematics for Spider Legs 🚧
Inverse Kinematics in 2D
Accessibility Design
- Part 1. Accessibility Design: Color Blindness
- Part 2. Accessibility Design: Motion Sickness in VR 🚧
Unity Tips
- How to Snap to Grid in Unity3D
- 5 common mistakes in Unity [Microsoft UK]
- Console debugging made easy
- Simplified Collision Geometry
- Custom Material Inspectors in Unity 5+
- Fading Sprites in Unity 5
- How to Write Native Plugins for Unity
Nested Coroutines in Unity
- Part 1. Iterators in C#: yields, IEnumerable and IEnumerator
- Part 2. Nested Coroutines in Unity
- Part 3. Extending Coroutines
Scene Management in Unity 5
- Part 1. Scene Management in Unity 5
- Part 2. Implementing a Loading Bar in Unity
- Part 3. Seamless Scene Loading in Unity 🚧
C# & .NET
- Enum, Flags and bitwise operators
- Iterators in C#: yields, IEnumerable and IEnumerator (Nested Coroutines)
- Extension Methods in C#
Maths, Science & Machine Learning
Understanding Epidemics
- Part 1. The Mathematics of Epidemics
- Part 2. Simulating Epidemics
- Part 3. From an Outbreak to an Epidemic
Evolutionary Computation
- Part 1. Evolutionary Computation
- Part 2. Evolutionary Computation
- Part 3. Evolutionary Computation
- Part 4. Evolutionary Computation
Rotations for Game Developers
- Part 1. A Gentle Primer on 2D Rotations
- Part 2. The Transformation Matrix for 2D Games
- Part 3. Rotations in the Complex Plane 🚧
- Part 4. Understanding Rotations in 3D 🚧
- Part 5. Understanding Quaternions 🚧
Analysing Time Series
- Part 1. An Introduction to Signal Smoothing
- Part 2. Time Series Decomposition
- Part 3. The Autocorrelation Function
Colour Theory
- Part 1. How to retrieve all the images from a website
- Part 2. How to find the main colours in an image
- Part 3. The incredibly challenging task of sorting colours
- Game Barcode: A Study of Colours in Games
- Make Your Own Emoji Portrait
- The Secrets of Colour Interpolation
Fractals 101
- Part 1. Fractals 101 [🇨🇳]
- Part 2. Fractals 101: The Mandelbrot Set
Understanding the Gaussian Distribution
Recreational Maths
- Part 1. Recreational Maths in Python
- Part 2. Interactive Graphs in the Browser
Geographical Coordinates
- Part 1. Understanding Geographical Coordinates
- Part 2. Localisation and Trilateration
Deep Dreams
- How to Deepdream on Twitter: @DeepDreamThis
- Part 1. Generating Deep Dreams
- Part 2. Understanding Deep Dreams
Deep Fakes
- Part 1. An Introduction to DeepFakes and Face-Swap Technology
- Part 2. The Ethics of Deepfakes
- Part 3. How To Install FakeApp
- Part 4. A Practical Tutorial for FakeApp
- Part 5. An Introduction to Neural Networks and Autoencoders
- Part 6. Understanding the Technology Behind DeepFakes
- Part 7. How To Create The Perfect DeepFakes
- How to hack any IR remote controller
- How to build a distance sensor
- Everything You Need to Know About LEDs
- A Bestiary of Alternative Game Controllers
- How to Write Libraries for Arduino
- How to Destroy an Arduino Board
- How to Write Libraries for Arduino
- Part 1. How to Build a Heater with Arduino
- Part 2. How to Build a Heater with Arduino
Integrating Arduino and Unity
- Part 1. How to integrate Arduino with Unity
- Part 2. Asynchronous Serial Communication
- How to survive your first game exhibition
- A Case Against Photorealism in Games
- Censorship in Games: Violence, Sex and Fig Leaves
- What Brexit Really Means for Independent Developers
- The UGC Dilemma: post-mortem of a level editor
- Unite Berlin 2018: What Went Wrong
- The DIY Guide to: Work From Home
Most Anticipated Games
- The 3 Most Anticipated Games: Pixel Art #1
- The 3 Most Anticipated Games: 3D #2
- The 3 Most Anticipated Games: 2D #2
- The Most Anticipated Space Games #4
- The Most Anticipated Puzzle Games #5
- The Most Anticipated Music Games #6
- The Most Anticipated Platform Games #7
- The 3 Most Anticipated Games: Lowpoly #8
- The Most Anticipated Funky Games #9
- The Most Anticipated Games Made with Unity #10
- The Most Anticipated Abstract Games #11
- The Most Anticipated Games at Develop #12
- The Most Anticipated Adventure Games #13
- The Most Anticipated Exploration Games #14
- The Most Anticipated Aesthetic-Driven Games #15
- The Most Anticipated Simulation Games #16
- The Most Anticipated Games #17
- The Most Anticipated Games #18
- The Most Anticipated Games #19
- The Most Anticipated Games #20
- The Most Anticipated Games #21
- The Most Anticipated Games #22
- The Most Anticipated Games #23
- The Most Anticipated Games #24