in Science

Exoplanet Catalogue

An exoplanet is a planet that orbits another star other than the Sun; since 1988, more than 4,300 of them have been confirmed. This catalogue provides a visual way to visualise exoplanets in their solar systems, together with their habitable zones. The data comes from the NASA Exoplanet Archive and it only includes all the confirmed exoplanets since January 2021. For more information about exoplanets, you can check the main article here.

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  • Distance: 195 pixels = 149597871 Km = 1 Astronomical Unit;
  • Planets: Confirmed planets from the NASA Exoplanet Archive (last update: December 2015); only planets with known orbital period, semi-axis major and radius are shown;
  • Orbits: 1 second = 3 day; orbits with unknown eccentricity in light grey. Initial positions are synchronised so that when they hit zero degrees, they transit in front of their stars, from the Earth’s perspective;
  • Planet size: 100 pixels = 69911 Km=1 Jupiter Radius (square root);
  • Temperature: planetary equilibrium temperature goes from 0K (−273.15°C) to 1500K (=1226.85°C); green area from 274K (0°C) to 313K (40°C);
  • Habitable zone: inner bound: \sqrt{L/1.1} Astronomical Units, outer bound: \sqrt{L/0.53} Astronomical Units (L is the star luminosity relative to the Sun); habitable zones are calculated taking into account only the first orbit;
  • Stars: for systems with multiple stars, only the primary one is visualised; stars are always assumed to be in the right focus of elliptical orbits;
  • Star size: 100 pixels = 696000 Km=1 Solar Radius (square root); stars with unknown radius are represented as 1 Solar Radius;
  • Stellar type:
  • Nomenclature:
    • Kepler: Kepler spacecraft by NASA;
    • K2: Kepler spacecraft by NASA, “Second Light” mission;
    • KOIKepler Object of Interest via Kepler spacecraft;
    • PH: Planet Hunters via Kepler spacecraft;
    • WASP: Wide Angle Search for Planets;
    • CoRoTCOnvection ROtation and planetary Transits project by CNES & ESA;
    • HATHungarian Automated Telescope Network by Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics;
    • WTSWFCAM Transit Survey;
    • HIP: High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher for the Northern hemisphere (HARPS-N);
    • NGTS: Next-Generation Transit Survey;
    • XO: XO Telescope;
    • OGLE: Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment;
    • Qatar: Qatar Exoplanet Survey Telescope;
    • WTS: WFCAM (Wide Field Camera Project) Transit Survey;
    • Wendelstein: Wendelstein Observatory;
    • TOI: TESS Objects of Interest, via TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)
    • KELT: Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope;
    • MASCARA: Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA.

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  • Exoplanetary Orrery V - Alan Zucconi January 27, 2021

    […] Check a complete orrery list here. […]