Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Arms

After a long journey about the Mathematics of Forward Kinematics and the geometrical details of gradient descent, we are ready to finally show a working implementation for the problem of inverse kinematics. This tutorial will show how it can be applied to a robotic arm, like the one in the image below.

The other post in this series can be found here:

At the end of this post you can find a link to download all the assets and scenes necessary to replicate this tutorial.


The previous tutorial, An Introduction to Gradient Descent, laid the mathematical foundations for a technique called gradient descent. What we have is a function, f, which takes a parameter \alpha_i for each joint of our robotic arm. That parameter is the current angle of the joint. Given a particular configuration of joints, \alpha, the function f\left(\alpha\right) return a single value indicates how far the effector of the robotic arm is from the target point T. Our objective is to find the values for \alpha that minimise f.

To do so, we first calculate the gradient of a function for the current \alpha. The gradient is a vector that indicates the direction of the steepest ascent. To put it simple, it’s an arrow that tells us the direction in which the function grows. Each element of our gradient is an estimation of the partial derivative of f.

For example, if our robotic arm has three joints, we will have a function f which takes three parameters: \alpha_0, \alpha_1 and \alpha_2. Then, our gradient \nabla f is given by:

    \[\nabla f \left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right) = \left[\nabla {f}_{\alpha_0}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right),\nabla{f}_{\alpha_1}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right) ,\nabla{f}_{\alpha_2}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)\right]\]


    \[\nabla {f}_{\alpha_0}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right) \right )=\frac{f\left(\alpha_0 + \Delta_x, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)-f\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)}{\Delta x}\]

    \[\nabla {f}_{\alpha_1}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right) \right )=\frac{f\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1+\Delta_y, \alpha_2\right)-f\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)}{\Delta y}\]

    \[\nabla {f}_{\alpha_2}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right) \right )= \frac{f\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2+\Delta_z\right)-f\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)}{\Delta z}\]

and \Delta x\Delta y and \Delta z are sufficiently small values.

Once we have our estimated gradient \nabla f, if we want to minimise f we have to move in the opposite direction. This means updating \alpha_0, \alpha_1 and \alpha_2 in this way:

    \[\alpha_0 \leftarrow  \alpha_0 - L \nabla {f} _{\alpha_0}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)\]

    \[\alpha_1 \leftarrow  \alpha_1 - L \nabla{f} _{\alpha_1}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)\]

    \[\alpha_2 \leftarrow \alpha_2 - L \nabla{f} _{\alpha_2}\left(\alpha_0, \alpha_1, \alpha_2\right)\]

where L is the learning rate, a positive parameter that controls how fast we move away from the ascending gradient.


We have now all the knowledge necessary to implement a simple gradient descent in C#. Let’s start with a function that estimates the partial gradient \nabla f_{\alpha_i} of the ith joints. As discussed, what we have to do is to sample function f (which is our error function DistanceFromTarget defined in An Introduction to Gradient Descent) at two different points:

public float PartialGradient (Vector3 target, float[] angles, int i)
    // Saves the angle,
    // it will be restored later
    float angle = angles[i];

    // Gradient : [F(x+SamplingDistance) - F(x)] / h
    float f_x = DistanceFromTarget(target, angles);

    angles[i] += SamplingDistance;
    float f_x_plus_d = DistanceFromTarget(target, angles);

    float gradient = (f_x_plus_d - f_x) / SamplingDistance;

    // Restores
    angles[i] = angle;

    return gradient;

When invoked, this function returns a single number that indicates how the distance from our target changes as a function of the joint rotation.

What we have to do is to loop over all the joints, calculating its contribution to the gradient.

public void InverseKinematics (Vector3 target, float [] angles)
    for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Length; i ++)
        // Gradient descent
        // Update : Solution -= LearningRate * Gradient
        float gradient = PartialGradient(target, angles, i);
        angles[i] -= LearningRate * gradient;

Invoking InverseKinematics repeatedly move the robotic arm closer to the target point.

Early Termination

One of the main problems of inverse kinematics made with such a naive implementation of gradient descent is that it is unlikely to converge. Depending on the values you have chosen for LearningRate and SamplingDistance, it is likely your robotic arm will “wiggle” around the actual solution.

This happens because we update our angles too much, causing the robotic arm to overshoot the actual point. A proper solution to this problem would be to use an adaptive learning rate, which changes depending on how close we are to the solution. A cheaper alternative is to stop the optimisation algorithm if we are closer to a certain threshold:

public void InverseKinematics (Vector3 target, float [] angles)
    if (DistanceFromTarget(target, angles) < DistanceThreshold)

    for (int i = Joints.Length -1; i >= 0; i --)
        // Gradient descent
        // Update : Solution -= LearningRate * Gradient
        float gradient = PartialGradient(target, angles, i);
        angles[i] -= LearningRate * gradient;

        // Early termination
        if (DistanceFromTarget(target, angles) < DistanceThreshold)

If we repeat this check after each joint rotation, we ensure that we perform the minimum amount of movements required.

To further improve the performance of our arm, we can apply gradient descent in reverse order. Starting from the end of the arm, instead of its base, allows us to make the smaller movements. Overall, these little tricks allow to converge to a more natural solution.


One of the features of real joints is that they tend to have a range of angles they can cover. Not all joints can fully rotate 360 degrees around their axes. Currently, we have put no restrictions on our optimisation algorithm. This means that we are likely to obtain behaviours like this one:

The solution is rather straightforward. We can add minimum and maximum angles in the RobotJoint class:

using UnityEngine;
public class RobotJoint : MonoBehaviour
    public Vector3 Axis;
    public Vector3 StartOffset;

    public float MinAngle;
    public float MaxAngle;
    void Awake ()
        StartOffset = transform.localPosition;

then, making sure that we clamp the angles in the proper range:

public void InverseKinematics (Vector3 target, float [] angles)
    if (DistanceFromTarget(target, angles) < DistanceThreshold)

    for (int i = Joints.Length -1; i >= 0; i --)
        // Gradient descent
        // Update : Solution -= LearningRate * Gradient
        float gradient = PartialGradient(target, angles, i);
        angles[i] -= LearningRate * gradient;

        // Clamp
        angles[i] = Mathf.Clamp(angles[i], Joints[i].MinAngle, Joints[i].MaxAngle);

        // Early termination
        if (DistanceFromTarget(target, angles) < DistanceThreshold)


Even with angle constraints and early termination, the algorithm that we have used is very simple. Too simple. There are many issue that you might encounter with this solution, most of them related with gradient descent. As described in An Introduction to Gradient Descent, the algorithm can get stuck in local minima. They represent suboptimal solutions: ways to approach the target that are unnatural or undesirable.

Look at the following animation:

The robotic arm has gone too far, and now that has returned back to its original position, is twisted. A better approach to avoid this is to add a comfort function. If we have reached destination, we should try to re-orient the robotic arm to a more comfortable, natural position. It should be noted that this might not always be possible. Re-orient a robotic arm might force the algorithm to increase the distance from the target, which might be against the specification.

Other resources

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Credits for the 3D model of the robotic arm goes to Petr P.


40 responses to “Inverse Kinematics for Robotic Arms”

  1. zapmeta avatar

    Hi Alan, I have a question about the function of PartialGradient, why does the gradient is equal to the distance divided by angle? (float gradient = (f_x_plus_d – f_x) / SamplingDistance;)

    1. Hi! That equation comes from the definition of gradient, which is first derivative of a function. There’s more explanation of how it is derived here:

      The smaller the sampling distance, the closer you’re getting to the actual value of the gradient.

  2. […] speaking, the solution presented on Inverse Kinematics forĀ Robotic Arms can work with potentially any number of joints. So why focusing on a less powerful technique? The […]

  3. christelle avatar

    spider spider spider spider

  4. this is great article explained very well

    1. Thank you so much!

  5. Do you think the performance of this algorithm would be improved if you used regularization parameters, or in other words turned this into a constrained optimization problem using lagrangian multipliers (as is common in multiple linear regression ML problems) as opposed to simply clamping the angle values?

  6. Hi Alan, would you mind to share the full coding scripts to me as I am working on a similar project recently. And I am facing some problems on coding it. It will be grateful if you could share this to me. Thank you!

  7. Paulo Ferreira De Oliveira avatar
    Paulo Ferreira De Oliveira

    Thank you for this! unfortunately the solution to limit the angle is far from ideal, sometimes my robot could totally reach the target, but it tries another path instead, one that exceeds its limits, which makes the angle freeze in the limit and never reach the target that is totally within reach if it tries another route

  8. Just a note to anyone doing this. If you use transform.localRotation (a quaternion) instead of using an angles[], and if you just remember to reset the localRotation of each joint after calculating the partial gradient (i.e. set localRot to be transform.localRotation * quaternion.axisAngle(sampleDistance, joints[i].axis and then test the new Distance) One you have less fields to keep track of, and Two you can rotate your arm joints anyway you want in the inspector without having to manually set the angles[] before hitting play.

  9. Jeffrey Hsu avatar
    Jeffrey Hsu

    Can’t wait for the Spider tutorial!

    In the meanwhile, any ideas on how to improve the Forward Kinematics to take starting localRotations into account? I’ve been trying to tackle this for the past week and limbs are flying everywhere haha

  10. What’s the cost function (distanceToTarget) when the robot has a rotation, such as in 6DOF? I find sum(abs(target[x][y]-start[x][y])) naturally gives too much weight to the translation component – the arm will slide to position and fail to match orientation. Please educate me! šŸ™‚

    1. Hi Dan!

      That really depends on how you want to achieve this effect!
      Personally, I would have the total cost as the sum of two different cost. One could be the distance to the target, and the other could be the “misalignment” of the robotic arm from the object rotation. This could literally be the dot product of the forward vectors of the target and the effector. Then, you can simply do a weighted average of both costs, and decide which one is more important until you get a nice result.

  11. […] Kinematics is definitely one them, and I have dedicated an entire series on how to apply it to robotic arms and tentacles. If you have not read them, do not fear: this new series will be self-contained, as […]

  12. Eduardo Cardenas avatar
    Eduardo Cardenas

    You could help me in how I could do a “Tracking” system, using an IMU sensor.
    What I want to achieve is this

    In which part of the kinematics I could enter the data that the IMU gives me.

    Thanks for the help.

  13. John Gattis avatar
    John Gattis

    I guess it is possible to apply this in C++? I am looking at robotic arms for Orbiter. I can do the rotation but IK is where I have an issue. Thanks

    1. Yes, the technique can be implemented in any language.

      1. John Gattis avatar
        John Gattis

        Well like I said trying to do a Robotic arm like the JEMRMS.

        I can get the distance of the joint:
        const double RMS_SP_EP_DIST = length(RMS_EP_JOINT-RMS_SP_JOINT);
        // distance (metres) from SP joint to EP joint
        const double RMS_EP_WP_DIST = length(RMS_WP_JOINT-RMS_EP_JOINT);
        // distance (metres) from EP joint to WP joint
        const double RMS_WP_WY_DIST = length(RMS_WY_JOINT-RMS_WP_JOINT);
        // distance (metres) from WP joint to WY joint
        const double RMS_WY_EE_DIST = length(RMS_WY_JOINT-RMS_EE_POS);
        // distance (metres) from WY joint to EE

        But calculating the vectors to move the joints is what I haven’t figured out yet?

  14. Okay, sorry about the pushiness here, but I see that it’s impossible to download the project without paying $25 on Patreon. In order to consider that I would need to see the final tutorial part with the spider legs completed, and maybe a part thrown in about robot legs, if it isn’t obvious enough from the spider legs part when that’s complete. In order for this to be really worth my time/money, I need to be able to use it to procedurally move procedurally generated robots around a room. (I am making a Berzerk clone in 3D).

  15. Thank you, great tutorial series. Just a question, would it be easier to implement this solution using FABRIK?

    1. I’m talking about this implementation:

      1. Hi Theon!

        I am not familiar with FABRIK, so, unfortunately, I can’t really advise you on that.
        I know how to use CCD very well, and I am planning on having a tutorial on that relatively soon.

  16. This may sound like a very dumb question, but I’m not really sure what to put in the “Angels” bit when i call Inverse Kinematics in Update(); what do i need to put there exactly

    1. Can somebody please help! šŸ™

      1. I’m wondering that myself. Although he says: “The name is self-explanatory: angles[i] contains the local rotation for the i-th joint. “, this tells us nothing about which angle of the joint we’re talking about, and on which axis.

        1. Hey!

          Angles is an array that, as Micheal highlighted, contains the local rotation for each joint. The inverse kinematics algorithm requires to “explore” how a certain rotation would affect the position of the end effector. You can’t really move the actual robotic arm to test this. So the angles of the joints are copies into this array, and the algorithm changes it until it finds a solution.

          In this specific solution, each joint can only rotate on a single axis.
          So there is *no* ambiguity. If this is for a 2D game, it will most likely be the Z axis.

          The full project is also available on Patreon if you need!

          1. Oh, okay, so it’s a single axis, and the axis depends on where you want to go. Oddly enough though when I aim the tip of my arm to (0,2,0) and use the x axis of the two joints, it doesn’t go anywhere near the target (Arm starts on the floor), Somehow it reaches down. Maybe calling InverseKinematics from the Update() loop with the target vector isn’t right?
            I’m trying to figure this out at least a little on my own before I download the project and cheat by just blindly using that.

          2. Your code uses float variables for angles, but the math calculations work with quaternions. How exactly do we get the floats back into the actual quaternion representation when all the calculations are done? For example, we have this:
            angles[i] -= LearningRate * gradient;

            but then, how would we re-apply it to Joints[i].transform.rotation? We can’t just plug the float value of angles[i] into the quaternion.

          3. Hi.
            In that particular implementation, each joint only moves along one axis (X, Y or Z).
            You can simply change the localEulerAngle to update the rotation of a joint.
            For instance, if you are changing only rotation on the Y axis, you can do:
            armTransform.localEulerAngle = new Vector3(0, newY, 0);

  17. Hi Alan,
    Can you possibly help me on how can I make it so that the end-effector can move to a desired position AND orientation? (For robot arm, not tentacle)

    Thanks for your help!

  18. Lexeon avatar

    Loving the tutorials, been a huge help in some projects of mine. It seems that that part 7 (spider legs) is missing and brings me to an error page. Has it not been finished yet?
    Awesome job on the tuts, thanks!

    1. Hey!
      I have most of the stuff ready, so hopefully it will be released soon!
      ISH! :p

  19. Thanks for this! If I’m not mistaken, there’s a tiny (literally) typo in the first formula. The last item says f a0 instead of f a2

    1. Thank you!
      I’ve corrected it!

  20. Hello, I have a similar project, but not in Unity. and for Arduino. The question is, will I be able to apply the math from this article for the Arduino IDE? Another question, I need to draw a robot arm
    on the Board the lemniscate of Bernoulli, how can I do this ? I will be very grateful for your help

    1. Hi Alex!
      This solution will work regardless of the language you are using. So yes, it will work on an Arduino as well.
      The only problem, however, is that Arduino doesn’t use C#, so you’ll have to adjust the code accordingly.
      The hardest bit might be the Maths. Unity comes with a lot of libraries to rotate points in 3D space. Arduino doesn’t have that, so you’ll have to write those equations yourself. I have a tutorial on that as well, hopefully it can help ( ).

      I’m not sure what you mean exactly with your second question.

  21. How to speed up robot-arm movement to maximum speed?

    1. Hi ilyxa!
      There is no concept of “maximum speed” in IK.
      The “speed” is mostly determined by how many iterations it takes to find a solution to the IK problem.
      If you need an arbitrary speed, then you need to change the way this works.
      A good solution is to calculate the “final” point in a single Update call. Then, when you have it, you can lerp as fast as you want to the target.

  22. […] does not aim to be aĀ comprehensive guide on the topic, but a gentle introduction. The next post,Ā Inverse Kinematics forĀ Robotic Arms, will show an actual C# implementation of this algorithm in with […]

  23. […] Part 5. Inverse Kinematics forĀ Robotic Arms […]

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